Organo Phosphorous Pesticides Mix
1 mLConcentration
200 ug/mL in Hexane:Acetone (95:5)Product Brand
AccuStandardUNSPSC Code
Azinphos methyl [86-50-0] 200 µg/mL
Bolstar [35400-43-2] 200 µg/mL
Chlorpyrifos [2921-88-2] 200 µg/mL
Coumaphos [56-72-4] 200 µg/mL
Demeton (mixed isomers) [8065-48-3] 200 µg/mL
Diazinon [333-41-5] 200 µg/mL
Dichlorvos [62-73-7] 200 µg/mL
Disulfoton [298-04-4] 200 µg/mL
Ethoprop [13194-48-4] 200 µg/mL
Fensulfothion [115-90-2] 200 µg/mL
Fenthion [55-38-9] 200 µg/mL
Merphos [150-50-5] 200 µg/mL
Methyl parathion [298-00-0] 200 µg/mL
Mevinphos [7786-34-7] 200 µg/mL
Naled [300-76-5] 200 µg/mL
Phorate [298-02-2] 200 µg/mL
Ronnel [299-84-3] 200 µg/mL
Stirophos [22248-79-9] 200 µg/mL
Tokuthion [34643-46-4] 200 µg/mL
Trichloronate [327-98-0] 200 µg/mL
Please note: Chemical products listed on Novachem's website are for laboratory scientific, industrial and research use only. Products are not for human use or consumption and are not available as therapeutic agents.