Meat & Fish (QMAS)
"... for accurate results and regulatory compliance"
Global demand for high-quality meat, fish and seafood products remains strong – with the world producing more than three times as much meat as it did 50 years ago, and seafood accounting for seven per cent of our total protein intake. Customer expectations that such products are both authentic and free from original, fraudulent, or accidental contamination means that manufacturing processes are highly regulated. As a result, official control laboratories must be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and participate in proficiency testing. The Quality in Meat and Fish Scheme (QMAS) is a meat and fish proficiency testing programme designed to ensure that laboratories involved in ensuring that products are compliant – from in-house and contract organisations to government institutions – can have confidence in the integrity of their results. It also encompasses a wide range of analyses, from quality assurance elemental testing to authenticity and contaminant testing employing sophisticated instrumental analysis.
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